Pallone & Shaw Introduce Resolution to Promote Clean Beaches

Date: June 21, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment


U.S. Reps. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Clay Shaw (R-FL), Co-Chairs of the Congressional Coastal Caucus, today introduced a resolution in support of National Clean Beaches Week, to be observed June 27th - July 3rd.

The resolution recognizes the importance of America's beaches as key parts of the country's economy, natural heritage, and way of life. It also stresses the progress made in recent years to improve our shorelines and the need for strong policy to continue improving the quality of the nation's beaches.

"As millions of Americans flock to the beach for the summer season, it is the perfect time for Congress to recognize their importance and reiterate our resolve to keep our beaches clean and safe," Pallone said. "We've made great progress in restoring these national treasures over the last decade, but we must continue to protect our beaches so they can be enjoyed by future generations."

"Clean beaches are crucial to our coastal communities across the country," said Shaw. "Clean beaches mean clean environment and an enhanced economy from tourism. I commend all communities that take pride in their beaches to ensure that residents, tourists and wildlife continue to enjoy our nation's seashores and the critical habitat they provide. I am proud to introduce this resolution with Mr. Pallone."

Pallone and Shaw have a history of fighting for America's beaches and coastlines. Recently, they helped lead a successful effort to stop the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from moving ahead with a plan that would have led to more human sewage in our waterways.

As co-chairs of the Coastal Caucus, Pallone and Shaw have also worked consistently to promote sound coastal management policies and to secure adequate federal funding for shore protection projects.
